산학연협력연구 CWNU Bigdata System

국립창원대학교 LINC 3.0

서브 콘텐츠



이웅 [신소재공학부]

응용물리화학, 고체물리학, 상변태론
양자화학, 나노전자소자

전체 7

논문명 발행처 발행일자
Calculation of Electronic Structures of Graphene Nanoflakes by Hückel Molecular Orbital Method: Exploration of the Shape, Size, and Edge Effects 한국재료학회지 2024-12-27
Performance of a deep convolutional neural network to classify crystal structures using selected area electron beam diffraction patterns containing lattice defect information RSC ADVANCES 2024-06-10
Interface debonding by growth of interface defect ahead of main crack approaching with oblique paths in layered systems JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 2024-02-20
Classification of crystal structures using electron diffraction patterns with a deep convolutional neural network RSC ADVANCES 2021-11-29
Tracing Resistances of Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzer during Long-term Stability Tests JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2021-08-15
Finite Element Analyses on the Dynamic Behavior of Piezoelectric ZnO Nanowires and Their Piezoelectric Device Application Potentials Korean Journal of Materials Research 2021-01-31
Graphene oxide nanocomposite membrane cooperatively cross-linked by monomer and polymer overcoming the trade-off between flux and rejection in forward osmosis JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE 2020-03-15