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서브 콘텐츠



손영욱 [스마트그린공학부 화학공학전공]

무기화학1, 나노과학및기술, 전기화학입문, 에너지저장개론, 전기화학특론, 공업무기재료특론
리튬이온전지, 리튬메탈전지, 아연공기전지, 전기화학적분석

전체 8

논문명 발행처 발행일자
Analysis of Differences in Electrochemical Performance Between Coin and Pouch Cells for Lithium-Ion Battery Applications ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL MATERIALS 2024-05-01
Electrode Conditions of Lithium-Ion Cell for Achieving High Energy Density KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 2024-01-29
Suppressing Deformation of Silicon Anodes via Interfacial Synthesis for Fast-Charging Lithium-Ion Batteries Advanced Energy Materials 2023-09-22
Spinodal Decomposition Method for Structuring Germanium-Carbon Li-Ion Battery Anodes ACS NANO 2023-05-17
Ultra‐Thin Lithium Silicide Interlayer for Solid‐State Lithium‐Metal Batteries Advanced Materials 2023-04-07
Investigation of mass loading of cathode materials for high energy lithium-ion batteries Electrochemistry Communications 2023-02-15
Surface reduction in lithium- and manganese-rich layered cathodes for lithium ion batteries drives voltage decay JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A 2022-10-28
Reliable protocols for calculating the specific energy and energy density of Li-Ion batteries Materials Today Energy 2021-09-01